Temporary Teeth Used With Dental Implantation

If you are missing a tooth, then you may want to speak with a dental professional about having a permanent implant secured in your mouth. Implants require a fairly lengthy healing process, and this is why you may not have a crown secured on the root right away. If you do not want an open gap in the area, then you can ask for a temporary tooth. There are a few options available. [Read More]

Is Invisalign A Good Choice For You?

Everybody wants to have nice-looking teeth, but the proliferation of brand-name aligner systems in recent years has made it harder to figure out which way to go. One of the oldest and most trusted names in the industry is Invisalign, a system that many dentists and orthodontists prefer to use. It's wise, however, to learn a bit about the process before deciding whether it might be right for you.  How It Works [Read More]

How to Properly Use Baking Soda to Whiten Your Teeth

A lot of people like trying at-home remedies to achieve whiter teeth, primarily because at-home remedies are cheaper, and one of the common ingredients people use at home for this purpose is baking soda. You can get whiter teeth with baking soda, but you can also damage your teeth if you do not use it properly. If you would like to try this remedy, here are some tips to help you use it the proper way. [Read More]

Why You Need To Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

Many people brush and floss regularly to keep their teeth clean. These at-home hygienic measures are invaluable to your oral health. However, professional dental cleanings are also important.  Here are a few reasons why it is important to have your teeth cleaned professionally twice a year. Cleaner-looking Teeth Brushing and flossing efficiently remove plaque, which is the sticky substance that coats the surfaces of your oral cavity. Plaque is made up of food particles that are left in the mouth after you eat and bacteria, such as Streptococcus mutans, that typically live in the oral cavity. [Read More]