If you are aged 17 years and above, then your wisdom teeth have probably erupted. In this case, you may be wondering whether to remove them or not. One of the merits of extracting wisdom teeth is that you get to prevent the complications that may arise if they get impacted. Such complications include jaw pain, swollen gums and bad breath.
At the same time, extracting your wisdom teeth also carries some small risks such as:
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Thin Enamel on Baby Teeth: Genetic Issue or Oral Care Problem?
You've done what you thought were all the right things as a parent. Your child brushes his or her teeth carefully and doesn't drink or eat an excess of sugary things. Yet there are multiple cavities and discolorations on your child's baby teeth. What gives?
How Enamel Defects Often Start
Know that you're not alone. Almost 40 percent of kids have teeth with some enamel defects, of which about three-quarters are caused by some kind of development or genetic issue (the other quarter are caused by some sort of facial trauma).
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Get The Smile You Always Dreamed Of: Exploring Your Cosmetic Dentistry Options
When looking to improve the look of your teeth, porcelain veneers and dental implants are two of the most powerful options your will have at you disposal. This is because both of these options can provide picture perfect results while still allowing you to enjoy a natural looking smile. However, the way in which each option accomplishes this goal is quite different. Consequently, while one person may benefit greatly from the use of dental implants, another may find that porcelain veneers are the better choice for them.
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3 Myths About Dental Implants
If you're considering getting a dental implant soon, you might not be sure what to expect. You may be excited about replacing your missing tooth, but nervous about what a dental implant may entail. Further, you may have heard differing ideas on dental implants and aren't sure what to believe. Well do not fret, because here you will learn what some common dental implant myths are. Learning about these should help you make a decision on whether to get a dental implant or not.
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