Add These Foods And Drinks To Your Diet For Healthier Teeth And Gums

Everything you do has an effect on your body in one way or another, and what you eat and drink can affect your teeth and gums rather rapidly. You already know about cutting back on sugar and eating foods high in calcium, for example, but there are other, not-so-obvious foods and drinks that can have effects you didn't know about. Here are some other foods and drinks to add to your diet to reap dental benefits. [Read More]

Asnwering Some Pediatric Dental Questions You May Have

Making sure that you are meeting all of your child's healthcare needs can be one of the more challenging and important aspects of being a parent. However, it can be easy for you to overlook some aspects concerning your children's dental health. To help you be a better-informed parent, you should make it a point to understand the answers to the following basic pediatric dental questions. What Are The Reasons You Would Want Your Child's Teeth Sealed? [Read More]

Is Flossing Really All That Important?

Every time you go to the dentist, you may hear the same old critique that "You need to floss more." But if you brush regularly, you may be wondering if it's really a big deal. Flossing or Brushing: What's it Going to Be? Believe it or not, according to, if you were hard-pressed to pick between flossing and brushing, then you should pick flossing. Of course, you should take that information with a grain of salt since both oral hygiene habits are important. [Read More]

A Patient Primer On Different Types Of Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a very thin material dentists bond to the front of a tooth to improve the appearance of said tooth. This procedure is ideal because it rarely requires the use of anesthesia. Patients who have gaps between any of their front teeth or patients who have chipped and worn down front teeth are prime candidates for using dental veneers to improve their smiles. Once you've decided you want dental veneers to improve your smile, there's only one thing left for you to decide – what type of veneers do you want? [Read More]