Correcting a missing tooth can be one of the more serious issues that you can need to be corrected with your dental health. As with other major or complicated dental treatments, there is some information that will be needed about dental implants.
Should You Ever Prefer A Bridge Over Dental Implants?
Dental bridges are an affordable treatment for replacing a missing tooth, but it can have some sizable disadvantages when compared to a dental implant.
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How Straws Can Help The Health Of Your Teeth
If you're looking for ways to better care for your teeth, you may not think that using straws will make much of a difference. However, there are many ways that the benefit your oral health that you may not have thought of. Here is what you need to know about using straws more often and how it relates to your teeth.
Prevent Discoloration and Stains
When drinking from a glass the normal way, all of those liquids will wash over your teeth before you swallow them.
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Grafts May Be Necessary For You To Get A Dental Implant
If you're interested in learning whether a dental implant might be suitable for you, one of the first things to do is visit your family dentist for a consultation. This appointment gives you a chance to better understand this popular dental procedure, as well as gives the dentist an opportunity to evaluate the degree to which you're a good candidate for a dental implant. For the implant to work, you need to have a certain amount of gum tissue and bone tissue present.
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Chip a Tooth Before a Big Event or Important Function? Get a Crown Fast
An unexpected chip in your tooth can cause a lot of complications, especially if you have an event or something important coming up where you don't want to look like you have dental problems. If you don't always make it into the dentist for your regular check-ups but you know that you will need to have this worked on right away, don't waste any time making an appointment. You may even have to schedule an emergency after-hours appointment.
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