Carlos Ferguson

Dental Care Tips For Families With Multiple Kids

If you have a few kids at home, just getting everyone to school and back and safe in bed might feel like an accomplishment. Just because your home is a busy one doesn't mean you can sacrifice the importance of your family's dental care routine. Here are four tips to get your kids on top of their own dental care regime and keep this fun for everyone. 1. Enlist Older Kids

Three Tips To Make Your Braces Less Noticeable So That You Can Maintain A Professional Image At Work

Working in a professional environment requires your to maintain a professional image, especially if your job requires you to interact with clients throughout the day. In order to maintain your image, it's important to make your braces blend in with your attire. The good news is, you don't have to live with crooked teeth to look professional. There are several things that you can do to make your braces less noticeable.

Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

Your teeth play an important part in your health and well-being. Not only do you need them to eat, but having them damaged can lead to a poor looking smile and health problems ranging from infection to possible heart problems. While you more than likely know the importance of daily oral care, there are many other things that can cause damage to your teeth that you should be aware of. This article will provide you with information on some of the things you can be doing that are harming your teeth.

How To Have An Easier Recovery After Getting Dental Implants

If you are all set to have dental implants, you want to educate yourself on the recovery. The more you understand what the recovery is going to be like, the better chance you will have of getting through it in the easiest manner possible. This article will help you when it comes to things you can do to feel better during the recovery period and inform you of things you can do to help promote faster healing.

Two Concerns About Common Cosmetic Dental Problems

Cosmetic dental problems can cause you to feel a tremendous amount of stress and low self-esteem. Fortunately, cosmetic dental procedures have experienced great advancements in recent decades that will make it easier for your dentist to correct a wide assortment of problems. Depending on your particular situation, you may benefit from having the following questions concerning the procedures for addressing common dental issues.  What Can Be Done About Unsightly Metal Fillings?

Three Summertime Habits That Are Not Good for Your Teeth

During the summer, most people focus on having a great time with family and friends. Trips to the beach, backyard barbecues, and sporting events abound. While it's great to partake in these adventures, it's important to take care of yourself in the process. Make sure you're not engaging in these three bad summertime habits that could be compromising your dental health. Leaving seasonal allergy symptoms untreated If you get a bit stuffy when the pollen count shoots up, you should not just fight through and ignore the symptoms.

Dental Implants: 3 Myths Regarding Candidacy And Care

Dental implants are a wonderful option for individuals considering smile restoration, but there are a lot of myths surrounding the procedure and the implants themselves. If you're considering dental implants, read on to learn the truth behind them and why they may be a great option for you. Myth #1: I Have Significant Bone Loss, So I'm Not an Implant Candidate Fact: There are a number of modern technologies and practices, such as bone grafts, that now make it possible for those with significant bone loss to receive dental implants.

Crooked Teeth Are Far More Than Just A Cosmetic Issue

If you think of tooth gaps and crooked teeth as just a cosmetic issue, think again. While many people with these problems are self-conscious about the way their teeth look, going to an orthodontist is a lot more than just vanity; misaligned teeth can have real dental consequences. Decay Between Teeth Crooked teeth can be difficult to floss, making people less likely to floss daily. And teeth with even small gaps in between them can trap particles of food.

Debunking Common Myths About Porcelain Crowns

If you are looking at the different alternatives you have to make your smile more aesthetically pleasing, there is no question that the idea of porcelain crowns will come up. This form of cosmetic dentistry is one of the faster ways to completely transform the appearance of your smile. However convenient and effective, a lot of potential patients will completely skip this option altogether, and this is usually due to some misconception about porcelain crowns.

Serious Health Risks Of A Dental Fistula

A dental fistula is a canal that opens up between an infected tooth and another area of the body such as the sinus, soft tissue, or bloodstream. The spread of infected material through your body has potentially serious health risks if the fistula and related abscessed tooth untreated. Here are a few of the most serious health risks of a dental fistula. If you suspect you have a tooth infection, contact your dentist immediately to receive treatment so that the problem doesn't progress: