Creating A More Beautiful Smile

Dental Implants: 3 Myths Regarding Candidacy And Care

Dental implants are a wonderful option for individuals considering smile restoration, but there are a lot of myths surrounding the procedure and the implants themselves. If you're considering dental implants, read on to learn the truth behind them and why they may be a great option for you.

Myth #1: I Have Significant Bone Loss, So I'm Not an Implant Candidate

Fact: There are a number of modern technologies and practices, such as bone grafts, that now make it possible for those with significant bone loss to receive dental implants.  

Implants work as an anchor – screwed into the jawbone, they act as a placeholder for the crown. Since the jawbone plays a significant part in the successful placement and lifetime of a dental implant, bone structure is important. Fortunately for patients suffering from bone loss, there are options available to treat the issue and make dental implants a possibility. Bone grafts are one such way in which bone loss is treated. This procedure involves integration of bone (either human or cow) into the  area affected by the loss.

Myth #2: Dental Implants Require Significant Levels of Care

Fact: Implants are an option that don't require special attention after the first few months of placement.

Immediately following the implant procedure, and anywhere from two to four months following it, you may have to avoid certain foods and be gentler in terms of care, but this is only a small price to pay for your forever smile. After your dentist has given the green light, normal activities and care routines can be restarted, including the eating of hard foods. To properly anchor to the bone, implants need to be cared for gently, but after proper anchoring has taken place the implant can be cared for just as you do your natural teeth.

Myth #3: I'm Too Old to Consider Implants

Fact: Implants aren't a great option for every dental patient, but the criteria for implants are based on overall dental health, not age.

While it's true that you can be too young, there's no such thing as being too old for dental implants. Beautiful smiles can be crafted at any age, as long as you're a candidate. To learn more about candidacy for dental implants, make an appointment for a full oral examination. Certain health issues, such as gum disease, may initially disqualify you, but working closely with your dentist you may be able to treat the issue and qualify for dental implants down the line.

To learn more and your smile restoration options, consult with a dentist, such as Tijeras Dental Service. There are a number of restoration procedures available, and with the help of your dentist you too can have a beautiful smile. 
