Creating A More Beautiful Smile

3 Signs You Could Be A Good Candidate For Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, you may be a good candidate for dental implants. You don't want to struggle with this problem because it means you'll have difficulty chewing, and that can compromise your nutrition. Researchers have linked missing teeth to other health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. If you're struggling with this problem, you may want to consider dental implants. Unfortunately, not everyone can qualify to be a candidate, and you need to consult your healthcare professional to know whether or not you're the right candidate. Here are a few signs dental implants can work for you. 

Your Jawbone is in Proper Condition

The health of your jawbone plays a significant role when it comes to dental implant installation. During healing, it fuses to the implants and stabilizes them. This way, the replacement teeth can get secure support. However, tooth loss may lead to the weakening and loss of bone mass in the jawbone. A patient who has lost excessive bone mass may not be a fit candidate for implants because it can be challenging for the implant posts to fuse with the jawbone. This can lead to implant failure or loose implant posts. If your professional finds your jawbone is too weak during the initial consultation, they may recommend bone grafting. 

You're in Good Health 

Dental implants involve surgery, meaning you need to be in good health. Some health conditions may hinder you from getting dental implants. These may include diabetes, heart diseases, and other chronic health conditions. However, if you have any of these conditions, it doesn't mean you automatically don't qualify. The best idea is to consult with your doctor for evaluation and recommendation. For example, you may need to manage your condition before installing the implants. Failure to do so can lead to complications during recovery. It can also be detrimental to the success of the implants.

You Don't Smoke or Drink

When you visit your dental care professional for consultation, they'll ask you a few questions concerning your lifestyle. These may include your tobacco use and drinking habits. Alcohol consumption can impact your blood clotting ability and can lead to problems during surgery. Also, smoking and the use of other tobacco products can affect your blood's oxygen levels, slowing your blood flow. This could mean a slower healing process, which can enhance infection risks. Tobacco use can also impact your immune system, which can be detrimental to your recovery. If you want to qualify for dental implants, you need to quit alcohol and tobacco use before the surgery.

Have you been struggling with low self-esteem due to missing teeth? If so, you can restore your smile using dental implants. Consult with your dental care professional first to know whether you qualify to be a candidate. 
