Creating A More Beautiful Smile

Things To Avoid To Cut Down On Dental Implant Rejection

Dental implant surgery offers a tremendous alternative to being forced to rely on traditional dentures to replace lost teeth. For dental implants to work, however, the body has to accept the implant during the natural post-procedure healing process. Be on the lookout for complications and avoid certain behaviors that contribute to rejections if you truly want the procedure to be a success.

Signs of Impending Failure

During the healing process,be on the lookout for certain indicators your implants are being rejected. The signs of dental implant failure are hard to miss. Excessive pain, bleeding in the gums, and the onset of an infection indicated by a strangely high temperature are all major warning signs.

In some cases, the body naturally rejects the implants. This is rare though. Overall, the success rate is in the 93% to 98% range. Sadly, some of the failures are attributable to the behavior of the patient.

Personal Behaviors to Avoid

As with any surgical procedure, the patient must always take careful steps after the operation to ensure a good recovery. Making critical errors in judgment or defying the oral surgeon's recommendations during the recovery process can lead to the implants failing. 

There are a few common behavior choices that might not seem all that serious, but they surely can lead to failure.

  • Smoking

Smoking tobacco is the primary reason why dental implants fail. Not giving up this habit could ruin all the work the dental surgeon performed. Switching to vaping is not recommended either. Seriously, you really do want to keep unnatural, foreign substances away from the gums and bone during the mending process.  

  • Eating Solid Food

Going on a full liquid diet might not be necessary, but you seriously should think about spending the weeks after implant surgery drinking a lot of smoothies, eating mashed fruits and vegetables, and having a lot of soup. Yes, doing so might take a bit of dietary discipline. The alternative is your jaw could end up rejecting the new implants thanks to all the pressure from eating solid food.

  • Engaging in Contact Activities 

Yes, it can be quite boring to give up your favorite hobbies for a time. Heading out to the basketball court, the football field, or the kickboxing gym might end up being a really bad idea, though. Accidental impact to the jaw could cause an injury that sets in motion the rejection of the implants.

Take care to avoid causing stress to the implants and you will reduce their potential for failure. If signs of a problem do arise, contact an oral surgeon, such as True Bite Oral Surgery and Implant Center, for dental implants emergency treatment immediately.
